Wanna Crush Your Next Project? Good News, Climber's Core Level 4 Is Here!
Wow, can you believe it?! We are just about to complete an entire month of core workouts!
Did you do it? How do you feel?
The best part of sticking to a program like this is being able to actually feel all the change and progress. You get to learn more about your body and understand why you're doing what you're doing.
Well, here is the the final installment for this series! Are you ready?!!!
If you just stumbled on this post, make sure you start back at Climber's Core - Level 1 so that you can learn all the foundations of your core.
Do you have any other requests? Another series you'd like to see?
Let me know in the comments below! Happy climbing!
P.S. Looking for more climbing workouts? I have an entire playlist for you right here!
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